FINALLY! An Easy-To-Implement Way to Establish a Chore Routine WITHOUT Having to Give Constant Reminders!
ONLY $3 today!
Chore Routines Made Fun & Easy
Chores like washing dishes and taking out the trash aren't just grunt work. We do these things because we have the privilege of being part of a family. Teaching our kids to take on the responsibility of age-appropriate household chores prepares them for their future lives. Kids develop self-esteem, positive character training, and a good work ethic when they are trained to participate in household chores.

I've noticed that the responsibility of household tasks often comes as a shock to young couples. Even without children, newlyweds discover that the decision to live with even just one other person requires an acceptance of new work, often involving a great deal of compromise, so that we are loving and considerate spouses. But even if we get through that life change successfully and then embark on the adventure of becoming parents, the work in having a new child (between snuggles and Instagram-worthy snapshots) is shocking!

It shouldn’t be so shocking to realize that, in order to experience joy in our families, we need to put some work into it. But our culture has made it socially acceptable to shield our kids from this truth in a misguided effort to give our kids “magical” childhoods.  I believe that the confidence that kids gain from developing competence in household tasks is part of a “magical” childhood. I’m hoping that this confidence and competence will ease my kids into the realities of adult responsibilities as they get older.
That's why I created these colorful chore charts!
Rather than constantly nagging my kids about completing specific chores, they can simply look at their chore charts each day to see what's expected of them. And I can look at their individual chore charts to see what chores they have completed.

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TWO different chore chart options - one for Morning & Afternoon chore routines, the other with Morning, Afternoon, & Evening chore routines.

Both chart options come in three different colors to make it easy to distinguish between charts for different children.

Each chart has a banner at the top for you to write in the child's name.

The chore cards include 41 different chores (with pictures!) to assign to your children.

Multiple chore cards are included for several chores, like brushing teeth and washing dishes.

Chore chards are available in nine different colors!

One page contains blank chore cards for you to write in your own custom chores. 

Assemble by simply laminating your chosen chore chart and chore cards, cutting apart the chore cards, and using clear Velcro dots to affix chore cards to your chore chart.

OR attach chore cards to craft sticks to keep in a jar.

Hang chore charts on a wall with Command Strips or on a refrigerator with sticky-backed magnets.

Print multiple chore charts for different rooms of the house, like the kitchen and your kids' bedrooms.

See products I recommend to assemble printables at

The journey to teach responsibility to our kids is a marathon and not a sprint. It requires us to involve our kids in the day-to-day activities involved in managing our households rather than keeping them busy playing and out of our way. Establishing a good chore routine allows our kids to participate in household tasks in ever-increasing ways as they grow older and more capable of greater responsibility.

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Special one-time offer, only $2!
Do you have any little boys in your life that need a chore routine? Purchase the companion Chore Charts for Boys now and pay a discounted price of only $4!

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  • Total payment
  • 1xChore Charts for Girls$3

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